Hang in there!

Hello beautiful people,

I am posting here after a super long break. I had been through a roller coaster ride in the past year! Somethings absolutely went the way I wanted them to but there were some that made me challenge my abilities and then I hit a low that brought lots of frustration and head aches and heart aches. 
With my share of bitter sweet experiences all I can say is , if you are going through something which seems impossible today. Just hang in there, this too shall pass and you would come out of it stronger and wiser.
To keep myself going during the tough times I did a little bit of calligraphy to give myself a break. 
Woke up every day and did this the first thing in the morning. First few days were not so fun but just within a few days I fell in love with it. 
Somedays you just need to show up in Life even though you don't feel like.Take baby steps and those baby steps make you the strong person who knows how to keep yourself together when everything seems to be falling apart.

The first 2 are my favs! I plan to make them on canvas someday..hopefully!

Eenzy Beenzy


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