And the winner is...

Shilpi Gupta

Thanks dear for the "simple and beautiful" note ~ my husband helped me pick the best one. :)

Congratulations Eenzy Beenzy on two years completion. May the coming years be full of more brightness...I must say best thing about your work is its simplicity and yet so beautiful....
Simplicity is the core essence of all of your work which makes it unique...I loved it so much that it has become my new inspiration of creativity...Thank you... :)

Please email me your mailing address at The goodies will be on your way.

Here is a mom's day card I made for a friend at work...I absolutely loved the colours and I have recently started using rhine stones on my cards and I absolutely love them!

Eenzy Beenzy


  1. Its beautiful....Thanks so much...yipeeeeeeeeeee...God bless you....

  2. Lovely card and congratulations.


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