Its magical ~

The day I started blogging about my cards and stuff I have been doing – I received an overwhelming response from friends , family and strangers. Believe me it was more than enough to keep me going. The comments and the feedback I receive on my posts is pretty much everything I look forward to.:) 

Its truly magical, how a little spark inspired me and I am glad it passed on to so many people around.

Here is a simple quilled card for all my lovely crafty friends, I love you all :)

 Eenzy Beenzy makes me happyy and I wish it brings happiness to others as well. Next month is my first blog anniversary, so I am working on a give away. Keep watching! You may be the lucky one!

Thank u all to help me keep it alive!


  1. Anniversary? Wow! I didn't realize it's been a whole year. :)

  2. We ove u and ur work too!! wish u tons of success :)

  3. ohhh i {heart} that darling quilled heart!!

  4. Here's wishing you a very happy blogoversary!

  5. Thanks all <3
    @Deepu - It all started with trying to make a card for your didi...but it ended by making a bookmark .lol So I have to make a spl one for her this time :)

  6. Because I admire your work so much, I've awarded you on my blog! Come and pay me a visit to see it!

  7. congratulations for a blogoversary! TONS OF LOVE ,BUNCHES OF GOOD WISHES....May success be yours,FOREVER.GOD BLESS YOU KEEP IT UP


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