Happy Womens Day!

Sometimes I find my Life so boring - I literally have to drag myself to work. But there are days when I feel like a superman! 
What I have realized is - "What you do is not as important as how you do it!" The catch to a happy day is to smile and do common things uncommonly well!

The real reward comes from the sense of personal satisfaction that you get from knowing that you have done a great job.
Another thing that adds colour to my Life is my - this lil corner!
Here is a simple card I made for my cousin - he is another reason of smile and laughter in my Life!

Introducing my very first creation using my bamboo pen.

Know that if you have made people smile and laugh - you have done a good job!


  1. Lovely card,have a little something for you over at my Blog.
    Hugs Christine xx

  2. Very nice card, love what you wrote,very nice words!

  3. You have a great motto. I have to remember it. BTW, lovely card. And, happy Women's Day to you, too!

  4. very pretty & elegant card .my super man istoo good to inspire others.i am very happy .


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